Sunday Worship Services

8:30 am and 10:30 am

Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after the Children’s Sermon

Adult Sunday School at 9:15

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Morning In-Person worship at 8:30 and 10:30 AM

The 10:30 service is also Live Streamed on YouTube

Adult Sunday School at 9:30 | Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after Children’s Sermon in Worship

Welcome to Lovely Lane!

We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. 8:30 and 10:30 am. The 10:30 service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

February 2, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Pastor Kristina will preach with a focus on the Nourished Ministry

Connect with Us!

Please click on the button and fill out our Connection Form so we know you worshipped with us online.

We love that you are able to join us in online worship! But we miss connecting in person. We invite you to reach out to Pastor Scott or Pastor Kristina with prayer requests, joys and concerns or just to tell us that you worshipped with us.

All Are Welcome with Rainbow

The people of Lovely Lane UMC humbly strive to be light, love and leaven to the world.

We stand with those who are devalued in our society because of their color, gender, marital status, creed, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, immigration status or economic condition.

We serve those in our neighborhood and our community who are in need of food, housing, education, or health care.

We heal the world through collaboration with the national and international missions of the United Methodist Church, because where our hands cannot be, our hearts can.”

Graphic map of area around Lovely Lane

Find Us

2424 42nd St. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 393-6674

The corner of 42nd Street and Wenig Rd. next to KennedyHigh School

Google Map

New to Lovely Lane?

New to Lovely Lane?

Learn about our worship services, our beliefs, Sunday school, children’s activities, and more.

Visit our New Here? page.

Nourished logo


The Missional Campus of Lovely Lane.

Nourished strives to be a holistic healthy community that grows in Spirit and serves in love and justice.

Visit the Nourished Website

Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.

Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.

Lovely Lane News

The Roller Coaster Season

Although I haven't wanted to get on a roller coaster for decades, I feel like I'm on one a lot of the time. With the availability of the Covid vaccine, I felt the exhilaration of making it up a steep climb, followed by a terrifying drip and then the thankfulness of...

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From Pastor Kristina August 2021

Just a few weeks ago, I received a text message from my dad which read, "Welcome to the world, dear child of wisdom, beloved child of God, baby Sophia!" My sister had given birth to their baby girl Sophia Jo, my niece, my parent's first grandbaby, on July 10th at 6:31...

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New Beginnings

In 1978 Brian Wren wrote the hymn, "This Is a Day of New Beginnings." In the hymn we sing, "Christ is alive, and goes before us to show and share what love can do. This is a day of new beginnings; our God is making all things new." Wren wrote this hymn for a New...

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From Pastor Kristina: God Winks

God speaks to us in mysterious ways. It might be a whisper, a sign, the song playing at just the right moment, a message from a stranger, or sometimes God can speak to us in what I call ‘God Winks.’ Squire Rushnell calls God winks reassurances from God. For me, God...

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From Pastor Kristina – June 2021

Last August, Matthew 25 saw the need for two Transform weeks. There was so much damage due to the derecho, that many homeowners needed help for tree limb removal and tarping. After I toured each project site with Clint Twedt-Ball, the executive director at Matthew 25,...

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From Pastor Scott: Inspiring Others

Who inspires you? Who are the mentors in your life? For me, a list of mentors begins with Jesus Christ. In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, Jesus models a way of life in which we go the extra mile and turn the other cheek. In Luke 19, Jesus shows love and...

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From Pastor Kristina – May 2021

After living three years in Texas during seminary, I forgot just how rough an Iowa winter was. It was SO cold this year with that large stretch of time of highs in the low single digits. For so long we were covered in a blanket of snow, and I don’t know about you, but...

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Considering Character – From Pastor Scott

In 1992, educators and leaders from various youth-related groups met in Aspen, Colorado to discuss character education and ways character could be emphasized in different environments.  A final result of this time together was a statement lifting up essential values...

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Book Review and Recommendation from Health and Wholeness

Book Review & Recommendation (book available from CR Public Library) Leave Only Footprints by Conor Knighton is part travel monologue, part heartfelt, and part healing memoir. It is essentially a love letter to America and to himself. Following a broken...

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“Nourished” – from Pastor Kristina

What things in your life need to be in place in order to experience nourishment? This was the question that Pastor Scott, Clint, Bill Poland (Director of New Faith Communities in the Iowa Conference), and I asked ourselves when we met for a retreat the end of March....

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“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”

2 Corinthians 4:6

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If you need to contact a member of the church staff right away, please call the church at 319-393-6674.

Church office hours:

Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The office is closed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.