Sunday Worship Services

8:30 am and 10:30 am

Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after the Children’s Sermon

Adult Sunday School at 9:15

Sunday Mornings

Sunday Morning In-Person worship at 8:30 and 10:30 AM

The 10:30 service is also Live Streamed on YouTube

Adult Sunday School at 9:30 | Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after Children’s Sermon in Worship

Welcome to Lovely Lane!

We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. 8:30 and 10:30 am. The 10:30 service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel.

February 2, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Pastor Kristina will preach with a focus on the Nourished Ministry

Connect with Us!

Please click on the button and fill out our Connection Form so we know you worshipped with us online.

We love that you are able to join us in online worship! But we miss connecting in person. We invite you to reach out to Pastor Scott or Pastor Kristina with prayer requests, joys and concerns or just to tell us that you worshipped with us.

All Are Welcome with Rainbow

The people of Lovely Lane UMC humbly strive to be light, love and leaven to the world.

We stand with those who are devalued in our society because of their color, gender, marital status, creed, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, immigration status or economic condition.

We serve those in our neighborhood and our community who are in need of food, housing, education, or health care.

We heal the world through collaboration with the national and international missions of the United Methodist Church, because where our hands cannot be, our hearts can.”

Graphic map of area around Lovely Lane

Find Us

2424 42nd St. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 393-6674

The corner of 42nd Street and Wenig Rd. next to KennedyHigh School

Google Map

New to Lovely Lane?

New to Lovely Lane?

Learn about our worship services, our beliefs, Sunday school, children’s activities, and more.

Visit our New Here? page.

Nourished logo


The Missional Campus of Lovely Lane.

Nourished strives to be a holistic healthy community that grows in Spirit and serves in love and justice.

Visit the Nourished Website

Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.

Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.

Lovely Lane News

Need for Childcare in Iowa

Need for Childcare in Iowa

Have you ever wondered whether Lovely Lane and Asbury, our partner church, should be in the Preschool and Child Care ministry? Following is why; and remember, we do it at top quality in a loving faith-based environment. Need for Childcare in Iowa Data reported at Iowa...

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Making a Difference – from Pastor Scott

Making a Difference – from Pastor Scott

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” The calling is to make a difference. The message is the need to “be something, do something, and leave something.” The Apostle Paul was a wonderful example of...

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From Pastor Kristina – December 2022

From Pastor Kristina – December 2022

Hygge: The Art of Coziness I love snuggling up to the fire around this time of year, wrapped in a cozy blanket with a cup of steaming tea or hot chocolate. Maybe it’s because I’m cold a lot or maybe it’s because it’s in my blood. My great grandfather Harold Lunde...

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Celebrating the Season – from Pastor Scott

Celebrating the Season – from Pastor Scott

The month of December is paradoxical. There’s no other way to say it. From one perspective, this month is sacred. Our Western culture is more religious this time of year. We have extra worship services, festivals, rituals, and traditions to honor. These events help us...

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From Pastor Kristina – November 2022

From Pastor Kristina – November 2022

This fall I’ve found myself drawn to the trees and their gorgeous show of color. In many instances, I can’t keep my eyes off them as I walk in my neighborhood, hike in the woods, look out my window, or simply drive around town. When we moved back to Iowa in 2020, we...

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The Next 60 Years – from Pastor Scott

The Next 60 Years – from Pastor Scott

Our church celebrated our 60th anniversary in August.  It was wonderful to gather with former members and pastors to recall the events that have taken place at Lovely Lane since 1962.  Our church has been a shining light in this corner of Cedar Rapids for so many...

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From Pastor Kristina – October 2022

From Pastor Kristina – October 2022

While I’m looking forward to returning to ministry, I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend these past 8 weeks home with Audrey. She’s just such a beautiful baby, and she’s changed so much these past 8 weeks. She’s now cooing, giggling, and smiling at us...

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Prayer Time – from Pastor Scott

Prayer Time – from Pastor Scott

As I write this column, Hurricane Ian is preparing to hit the west coast of Florida. My heart is already going out to the good folks who will need to pick up the pieces after the destruction and start over again. As a friend of mine recently said, “there is nothing...

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Introducing Annie Walker

Introducing Annie Walker

Hi! My name is Annie Walker and I am your new Director of Family Ministries. A little bit about me. I grew up north of Marion and went to Linn-Mar from K-12th grade. I then matriculated to Kirkwood and earned an Associates Degree in Education, after which I continued...

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Family Ministries Beginning

Family Ministries Beginning

Children’s Sunday School will gather after the children’s time on Sunday mornings, September 18 and 25. Regular Sunday School for all ages will start again on October 2 at 9:30 am. Kid’s Club and the weekly family meal starts again on October 5 at 5:30 pm. More...

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September: What a Wonderful Month

September: What a Wonderful Month

It’s time for cooler temperatures, back to school, autumn colors, harvest of summer labors, and football. September is a time for welcoming and considering change—a time for releasing the old and focusing on the new. It’s also Healthy Aging Month, a time to focus on...

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“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”

2 Corinthians 4:6

Send Us A Message


Your message entered here will be sent to the church office and forwarded as needed. If your message requires a response, please allow 24-48 hours for us to get back to you

If you need to contact a member of the church staff right away, please call the church at 319-393-6674.

Church office hours:

Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The office is closed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.