Sunday Worship Services
8:30 am and 10:30 am
Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after the Children’s Sermon
Adult Sunday School at 9:15
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Morning In-Person worship at 8:30 and 10:30 AM
The 10:30 service is also Live Streamed on YouTube
Adult Sunday School at 9:30 | Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after Children’s Sermon in Worship
Welcome to Lovely Lane!
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. 8:30 and 10:30 am. The 10:30 service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
February 2, Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Pastor Kristina will preach with a focus on the Nourished Ministry
Connect with Us!
Please click on the button and fill out our Connection Form so we know you worshipped with us online.
We love that you are able to join us in online worship! But we miss connecting in person. We invite you to reach out to Pastor Scott or Pastor Kristina with prayer requests, joys and concerns or just to tell us that you worshipped with us.
The people of Lovely Lane UMC humbly strive to be light, love and leaven to the world.
We stand with those who are devalued in our society because of their color, gender, marital status, creed, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, immigration status or economic condition.
We serve those in our neighborhood and our community who are in need of food, housing, education, or health care.
We heal the world through collaboration with the national and international missions of the United Methodist Church, because where our hands cannot be, our hearts can.”
Find Us
2424 42nd St. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 393-6674
The corner of 42nd Street and Wenig Rd. next to KennedyHigh School
New to Lovely Lane?
Learn about our worship services, our beliefs, Sunday school, children’s activities, and more.
The Missional Campus of Lovely Lane.
Nourished strives to be a holistic healthy community that grows in Spirit and serves in love and justice.
Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.
Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.
Lovely Lane News
Circle of Life
As a child I failed to see The woman right in front of me Gave all she could…her heart and soul, To teach me how to reach my goals. And as I grew, my vision blurred, Her words of wisdom were not heard. I knew it all, she’d hear me say, I couldn’t wait to move away....
The Month of May – From Pastor Scott
In 1964, the musical group, The Temptations, gave us the classic song, My Girl. In the song, they sang, “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day. When it’s cold outside I’ve got the month of May.” The Temptations are singing about the month of May in this musical piece...
Exercise for More of God
Exercise in order to steward the earthly tent God has given you. Keeping our hearts and our bodies strong will enable us to keep going, even as we age. Just as God gives us money to use wisely, relationships to invest in diligently, and time to use efficiently, so he...
What Does it Mean to Be Easter People? – Pastor Kristina
It’s hard to imagine that we’re already coming up to April, isn’t it? We’re just a few short days away from celebrating Easter Sunday together. I remember getting an Easter bonnet when I was growing up that matched my dress for the occasion. We’d get together with...
The Future of Our Denomination
As Holy Week and Easter approach, I realize that church life might look different next year. As some of you know, our denomination, The United Methodist Church, has been discerning its future for a long time. Our denomination goes back to the life and teachings of...
Think Spring!
March 20th is the first day of spring and it’s not too early to start planning your garden and outdoor living space. For inspiration, plan to attend one (or more!) of the Linn County Master Gardener Library Talks currently taking place at local community libraries....
Discipline for the Journey – from Pastor Scott
This month we move into the season of Lent. Lent is a season of spiritual preparation that leads to Holy Week and Easter. Lent is forty days and forty nights that recalls Jesus’s surrender and retreat into the desert. Whereas Easter rejoices in the resurrected...
Five Tips to Help You Practice Self Love*
The idea of practicing self-love can be daunting. We’re constantly facing internal and external challenges, such as busy schedules that make pausing for self-love or self-care seem impossible. However, taking small steps each day or week to take care of and love...
Moving Forward – from Pastor Scott
One word that has been on my mind, and probably all of our minds, is "Perseverance." We have seen the need to persevere during the pandemic, derecho, economic uncertainty, and hiring challenges in the workplace. Perseverance is often defined as a continued effort to...
The Joy of New Life from Pastor Kristina
My husband and I had a great visit to Los Angeles, California this past January. It was apart anniversary trip, remembering our honeymoon to California just two years prior, but it was also a trip to celebrate the new birth inside of me. We were thrilled to finally...
Post Holiday Blues
The 3rd Monday of January is “Blue Monday” - the most depressing day of the year. Post holiday blues include fatigue, loneliness, financial stress, anxiety, and low mood. Try this recipe to make this New Year of 2022 a positive one from the start. You need: 1 Bottle...
Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice
Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice (f/k/a Iowa Justice For Our Neighbors, or JFON) Our top 3 moments from 2021: 1) Iowa MMJ exists! Thank you for your support (and patience) as we transitioned, launched and continue to evolve! 2) We served over 500 new clients! This is...
“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4:6
Send Us A Message
Your message entered here will be sent to the church office and forwarded as needed. If your message requires a response, please allow 24-48 hours for us to get back to you
If you need to contact a member of the church staff right away, please call the church at 319-393-6674.
Church office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The office is closed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.