Prayer Concerns

Prayer Concerns

The church office sends out an updated prayer list on Monday afternoons via email. These prayers are included on the announcements page that is shared in the mailing. The joys and concerns come primarily from news that was lifted up in worship the previous Sunday. The...
AcabeLLa, Lovely Lane Handbell Choir

AcabeLLa, Lovely Lane Handbell Choir

AcabeLLa, Lovely Lanes handbell choir has resumed rehearsals on Wednesday nights starting at 7:15 pm. Rehearsal generally lasts one hour and 15 minutes. If you are interested in learning more about handbells this would be an excellent opportunity to learn. You are...
Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School

We have two adult classes at Lovely Lane starting on Sunday, September 15, both classes meet at 9:30 am. The “Faith Issues” class meets in the library and focuses on contemporary issues and the ways people of faith respond to those issues. Jim and Myrna Loehrlein lead...
Wesley and Methodism-by Pastor Scott

Wesley and Methodism-by Pastor Scott

“We love because he first loved us”– 1 John 4:19 (NRSV) In August the 22nd World Methodist Council met in Gothenburg, Sweden. This gathering takes place every five years in different parts of the world. The council represents Methodists, Wesleyans, United and Uniting...
Worship Servants Needed

Worship Servants Needed

Matthew 20:28 “just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many.” Jesus is calling the disciples and all who are in Christ to follow the same path to greatness: humble, sacrificial service to each other. For serving as...
AcabeLLa, Lovely Lane Handbell Choir

Join the Bell Choir, AcabeLLa

Lovely Lane has a bell choir, AcabeLLa. The director, Charlie Kucera, has been leading the choir since January 2019. The choir rehearses every Wednesday night starting at 7:15 pm at Lovely Lane in the sanctuary. Rehearsals last typically until 8:30 pm or earlier if...
Agree to Disagree – by Pastor Scott

Agree to Disagree – by Pastor Scott

“When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul” -Psalm 94:19 (NRSV) A few weeks ago Heather and I attended the Beach Boys concert at the McGrath Amphitheater with some friends.  I know some of you saw the concert too.  It was a great show and...