Busy Lives – from Pastor Scott

Busy Lives – from Pastor Scott

Busy Lives John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.” How true those words are! We live in a busy world today. There’s no doubt about that. It wasn’t long ago that “Keeping up with the Joneses” was all about “things,” like the...
Serving Together

Serving Together

Trees were recently planted in Pierce Park! The park is adjacent to our church parking lot. The action was a collaboration with three local groups, the City of Cedar Rapids, Trees Forever, and National Honor Society students from Kennedy High School. Following the...
Worship Volunteer Servant Sign Up

Worship Volunteer Servant Sign Up

Go to or Worship Servant page to sign up as a Worship Volunteer Servant: greeter, usher, lector, and/or communion server. You’ll find sign-up links for the 8:30 and 10:30 AM services listed under Worship Servant Signup. Please check your calendar and choose a...
Great Ideas “Thank You”

Great Ideas “Thank You”

Thank you all for submitting your great ideas for the church last month. The leadership team is looking through these ideas. Coming up, we plan to share some new ideas and ministry options to consider.
Believing and Belonging – from Pastor Scott

Believing and Belonging – from Pastor Scott

What comes first for the Christian? Is it believing or belonging? Belief involves a confidence in a set of statements about Christianity. Belong inginvolves a confidence that we are loved and welcomed into a Christian community. Truth is, this conversation has been...
Barbie and What We Are Made For

Barbie and What We Are Made For

Have you seen the Barbie movie yet? I’ve seen it a few times now, and each time, I’ve gone with someone new. It brought up so much conversation within my circle of friends, my family, my chiropractor, my colleagues, and even the Starbucks employee making my first...
Chancel Choir News

Chancel Choir News

CHANCEL CHOIR NEWS:  The Chancel Choir will begin rehearsing on Sunday, Sept. 3rd, after the 9:30 AM worship service, and will rehearse again on Sept. 10th, at the same time. Rehearsals go back to their normal time of 9:00 AM on Sunday, Sept. 17th, the date we change...