Purchase Lilies or Tulips for the Alter for Easter

Purchase Lilies or Tulips for the Alter for Easter

You may purchase lilies or tulips for the church alter area for Easter in memory of or in honor of a loved one. Please specify which flower and how many you would like. You may purchase flowers in one of two ways: Download the form, fill it out and enclose $15 for...
2025 Lenten Offering Recipients

2025 Lenten Offering Recipients

Matthew 25: Is a local non-profit that exists to strengthen core urban neighborhoods in Cedar Rapids. They build strong neighborhoods by focusing on fresh, healthy food; affordable, sustainable housing and education. Projects include the state’s first urban...
From Pastor Kristina – April 2023

From Pastor Kristina – April 2023

Lent is certainly not the joy and peace of Advent, is it? We just celebrated that time of year it seems like. Christmas carols, movies, chocolates and candy, gift giving, decorating, etc. Lent doesn’t necessarily bring that. This season is the transition to spring as...
The Love Commandment – from Pastor Scott

The Love Commandment – from Pastor Scott

The Love Commandment “I give you a new commandment: Love each another. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.” – John 13:34 (CEB) This reading from John’s Gospel brings us to the night Jesus gathered with the disciples in the Upper Room. Scripture...