Need for Childcare in Iowa

Need for Childcare in Iowa

Have you ever wondered whether Lovely Lane and Asbury, our partner church, should be in the Preschool and Child Care ministry? Following is why; and remember, we do it at top quality in a loving faith-based environment. Need for Childcare in Iowa Data reported at Iowa...
Making a Difference – from Pastor Scott

Making a Difference – from Pastor Scott

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” The calling is to make a difference. The message is the need to “be something, do something, and leave something.” The Apostle Paul was a wonderful example of...
From Pastor Kristina – December 2022

From Pastor Kristina – December 2022

Hygge: The Art of Coziness I love snuggling up to the fire around this time of year, wrapped in a cozy blanket with a cup of steaming tea or hot chocolate. Maybe it’s because I’m cold a lot or maybe it’s because it’s in my blood. My great grandfather Harold Lunde...
Celebrating the Season – from Pastor Scott

Celebrating the Season – from Pastor Scott

The month of December is paradoxical. There’s no other way to say it. From one perspective, this month is sacred. Our Western culture is more religious this time of year. We have extra worship services, festivals, rituals, and traditions to honor. These events help us...
From Pastor Kristina – November 2022

From Pastor Kristina – November 2022

This fall I’ve found myself drawn to the trees and their gorgeous show of color. In many instances, I can’t keep my eyes off them as I walk in my neighborhood, hike in the woods, look out my window, or simply drive around town. When we moved back to Iowa in 2020, we...