Kennedy Pantry Needs Donations

Kennedy Pantry Needs Donations

Food and personal care items for the Kennedy Cougar Pantry may be placed in tubs outside the church office OR dropped off to the basket inside Kennedy’s front entrance (M-F, 7:15 am-3:30 pm). Current suggested donations: Ramen noodles, cooking oil, aluminum foil,...
The Wesley Covenant Prayer

The Wesley Covenant Prayer

At the beginning of the new year, congregations in the Wesleyan/Methodist family renew their covenant with God using the traditional Covenant Prayer (below). John Wesley adapted this prayer from the Puritan tradition that was so important to his parents, Samuel and...
Pastor’s New Study Group

Pastor’s New Study Group

A new study with Pastor Scott starts on Weds., January 10th. Groups will gather via Zoom at 9:30 am and in the library at 6 pm. The focus is the book The Call by Adam Hamilton. The emphasis is the travels of the apostle, Paul. Books will be available in the office....