Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! – Luke 24:39 (NIV)

One of the classic Easter stories is the “Journey to Emmaus” from Luke’s Gospel.  In the story we read about two followers of Jesus who are trying to ponder what has taken place after his death.  These two go for a walk and they are in disbelief.  They had truly come to love Jesus.  And now, in his early 30’s, he had died.

Cleopas, and an unnamed companion, walk toward Emmaus then.  A fellow traveler joins them.  Luke tells us the stranger is Jesus, but the disciples themselves are “kept from recognizing him.”  Jesus asks the two, “What were you discussing?”  One of them, Cleopas, responds, “Are you the only one who doesn’t know what took place in Jerusalem this past week?”  And they share everything that happened.  Cleopas and his companion can’t see past the empty tomb though, which is no sign of victory to them.

So Jesus tries to explain it all.  He gives them a thorough Bible study and says, “Don’t you understand this is all part of the plan we talked about?”  Clearly they do not.

By now it’s late.  So they offer Jesus a place to lay his head for the night and they sit down to a meal together, and their guest takes bread, blesses it, breaks it, and gives it to them.  And it’s in these movements their eyes are opened.

It’s when their tears give way and they look up from the table then, that they see who has been journeying with them.  It is Jesus after all!  The tomb, the angels, the women . . . can it really be true?  It is all coming back to them now . . . they see.

Jesus shows up when we most expect it.  Jesus comes to us in the sacraments and the scriptures and the fellowship of believers.  Yet, Jesus also comes when we least expect it.  Might we be open to the presence of Christ that can change our life!

Easter blessings, Scott