“We love because he first loved us”– 1 John 4:19 (NRSV)

In August the 22nd World Methodist Council met in Gothenburg, Sweden. This gathering takes place every five years in different parts of the world. The council represents Methodists, Wesleyans, United and Uniting traditions from 82 denominations around the world and 132 countries. This gathering is different, and larger in scope, than the General Conference of The United Methodist which meets every four years (and most recently met in May).

The theme this year was “On the move!” This theme acknowledged that God is on the move to provide a safe place for all beings. Every being in the world is “on the move” for the sake of its own sustainability. Whether it is a forced migration or a natural progression of the human condition, it is generally understood that movement is necessary. Because of this, every being must be embraced as one of God’s creation because justice and peace are essential for all.

Delegates to the council committed themselves to act as pilgrims on the journey to peace and reconciliaƟon. Solidarity was also built with other parts of the world that have struggled with racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia. A highlight for some was singing the hymn, “We Shall Overcome,” as a call to promote our collective solidarity for peace on earth.

I share this news to keep you informed about Methodist happenings beyond our local church. I also share this news to celebrate the work of John Wesley, our early founder in Methodism. John Wesley was known to say, “The world is my parish.” I don’t think he could have imagined how large the “Methodist family” would become. In the 1700’s John Wesley set out to reform the Church of England. Led by the power of the Holy Spirit, he ended up beginning a movement that became incredibly large and diverse.

This fall the Wednesday study groups I lead will focus on the life of John Wesley and the early beginnings of Methodism. We will look at the book, “Revival,” by Adam Hamilton.

All are welcome to participate!

~ Peace and blessings, Scott