ELIZABETH CIRCLE MEETING – Our Annual Valentine Cookie/Candy Deliveries
Thursday, February 13 – 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Bring cookies, candy, treats. We will box them and deliver them to our church members/friends who may not get out very often.

Thursday, February 27 – 6:30-8:00 pm

*Childcare is available for all meetings. Please contact Deb Streff ahead of time so she can make arrangements. (319) 721-8864.

For the RIZPAH meeting on January 7, guest speakers Myrna and Jim Loehrlein shared their stories of building habitat homes with Jimmy Carter worldwide. Jimmy was a taskmaster who kept everyone on task and schedule. Rosalyn traveled and worked with him throughout their habitat work and actually throughout their married lives, even when Jimmy was president. It was a great program enjoyed by all!

At the January 9th Elizabeth Circle meeting, we filled out the library cards for our book collection and organized them on our dedicated shelves in the library. Be sure to take a look the next time you’re at church. Feel free to check out a book or two!

United Women in Faith book collection

There’s still time to pledge to our Lovely Lane United Women in Faith. View the pledge letter we recently emailed to all the women in the church. Please give prayerful consideration to your pledge as you decide in your heart what to give. You may present your pledge at our February 13, 2025 Elizabeth Circle meeting, drop it off at church, or mail your check to our treasurer: Cindy Sale, 3316 Riverbend Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, IA52411. Checks should be made payable to United Women in Faith.