Sign Up for Church Directory Photos
Sign up for Church Directory Photos
As we mentioned in a previous email, we are putting together a new photo directory at church. We are doing this in-house. You will have access to the final pictures for your personal use, but there will be no sales pitch to purchase photos.
Photos will be taken at the church from April 20 to May 2. You can start signing up for times at the link on the button below. You will receive a confirmation email when your form has been received. You will receive a second email with a confirmation of your date/time and more details regarding your photo session.
Also, a committee member will be available in the narthex on Sunday mornings to assist you with the “sign-up” process if you are unable to reserve a slot on your own.
We are excited to move forward at this time! Please reach out with any questions.
Peace and blessings! Pastor Scott