Bishop Kennetha Bigham-Tsai has been assigned as the resident bishop for the Iowa Area, effective January 1, 2023. She was elected to the episcopacy at the 2022 North Central Jurisdictional Conference. Before her election, she served as the chief connectional ministries officer of the Connectional Table for the United Methodist Church since 2018.
Bishop Bigham-Tsai has served as a district superintendent in the Michigan Annual Conference and as a local church pastor in Kalamazoo and East Lansing, Michigan.
Bigham-Tsai said of her vision of the church: “I envision a United Methodist Church that fully claims its identity as a church that centers grace. This is a church that is open and inclusive of all people. It is a church that addresses racism in the church and in society and actively seeks reconciliation, healing, and justice for its LGBTQIA+ children. Such a church approaches ministry with an outward-facing and invitational love.” She describes her leadership as a “relational, collaborative, and innovative leader who makes my own physical, emotional, and spiritual health a priority. “I am a visionary who is mission-directed and willing to experiment. I believe in surrounding myself with strong leaders, then equipping and allowing them to lead. I enjoy leading with people who are open to the creative movement of the Spirit, and I enjoy mentoring and developing new leaders.”
Bishop Bigham-Tsai is married to Kee Tsai. They have two children, Keeton and Kandem BighamTsai, and a German Shepherd, Kyto.
[Communications Ministry Team, email of 11/5/22]