I’ve never been very big on New Year’s resolutions. I’m terrible about finishing them! I’d be off to a good start, and then something would happen, and I wouldn’t fulfill my resolution. A few years ago, I made a resolution to make a new recipe every week to be more explorative in the kitchen and to read at least one book for fun every month! When all I read were children’s books as a teacher, I had to add something for me!

Rather than a New Year’s resolution, I look to have a word or theme for the coming year. In 2015, my word was ‘brave.’ I was going to practice doing things by myself and jumping out in a leap of faith. That year, I went sky diving with my dad and went on my first solo road trip to Nashville. I grew to be more comfortable doing things by myself, having ‘me days,’ doing all the things that I enjoy. That year, I also surrendered to my call to ministry. I had run from my call for a long time and finally said, “Yes.”

After a few years without a word for the new year, I am coming back to my own practice. My word for this new year is ‘peace.’ People have often told me that I bring a peaceful presence to a room and calm any anxious feelings. Little do people know that as a perfectionist, I have an inner dialogue of anxious thoughts. Yet, I’ve learned over the years that I have an ability to cultivate the peace that is within me. So, for this coming year, my word is ‘peace,’ and I am going to practice cultivating the peace within myself, leaning on God’s peace that passes all understanding.

What is your word this year that will guide your actions throughout 2021? What word do you feel the Spirit leading you to practice this year? My prayer is that you might prayerfully consider what this year brings for you!

Peace, Pastor Kristina