There is something just so wonderful about those slow mornings at our house getting ready for work and school. Because Audrey often wakes up pretty early, we have some downtime before we have to get moving to get ready for the day. We eat our breakfast slowly at the table or, as was the case this morning, Audrey and I ate breakfast at her little table in the living room while watching her favorite Youtube star, Ms. Rachel. If you have littles in your life,
maybe you’ve heard of her!

Ms. Rachel sings songs throughout her show, “Songs for Littles,” and does rhymes and riddles. She’s quite soothing to watch and listen to. There’s one song in particular that I truly enjoy listening to, and it’s called, “I’m so Happy.” It’s one of those songs that fills your cup for a busy day.

Here’s how it goes:

“I’m so happy, jump clap, I’m so happy today, jump, clap, spin, stomp, stomp hey! I’m so happy, jump, I’m so happy, and nothing’s going to bring me down today! I can sing and dance, I can hang out with my friends, I can draw a picture of the sky…What if it rains? No, I can dance in the rain. What if it’s cold? I’ll have hot chocolate to drink. What if I fall? It’s okay, I can get back up again. Nothing’s going to bring me down today!”

Truly our day doesn’t always go the way we expect it to. How many of you have found a leaky faucet or a pipe that was frozen? How many of you have been late after hittng ALL the red stop lights? Or when have you received that call from school that your kiddo is sick and you have to leave work? May these words from Ms. Rachel be a reminder to change your perspective. If it rains, we can dance in the rain. If it’s too cold to be outside, then we’ll have hot chocolate. Of course I realize that there are big things that make changing our perspective a little hard, but let’s make it a February priority to start with the small things and lean on God to help us! – Pastor Kristina Roth-Klinck