by lovelylane | Jun 18, 2024
A United Women of Faith Event. Open to WOMEN, MEN and YOUTH. Moderator/Leader: Deb Streff Thursday, September 26th, 6:30 – 8:30 PM Please read one to three banned books, if possible. Use this searchable list. We will first share in small groups and then have a...
by lovelylane | Feb 2, 2024
This event is a fundraiser for the youth group, in conjunction with Children’s Weekday Ministries and Lovely Lane BASE. While parents have a chance for a night out, kids will play games, eat pizza, and watch movies. Friday, February 23, 5-8 pm. Lovely...
by lovelylane | May 25, 2023
The youth will celebrate summer with the End of the School Year Party at Quarter Barrel Arcade from 5:00-6:30pm. Pizza will be provided, as well as $5 in quarters for each person to play some games!
by lovelylane | Apr 11, 2023
Graduation Sunday this year will be on May 21st, and we will recognize graduating seniors in our 10:30 worship service that day. Also, we have a $500 scholarship (given in memory of Gene Kadlec, long-time Lovely Lane member) available for a graduating senior. See...
by lovelylane | Feb 6, 2023
The youth group will be having a fundraiser for the Superbowl, Sunday, February 12th! Please sign up by clicking the link below by Wednesday, February 8th. Email Pastor Kristina with any questions: Sub...