Banned Books Event at Lovely Lane

Banned Books Event at Lovely Lane

A United Women of Faith Event. Open to WOMEN, MEN and YOUTH. Moderator/Leader: Deb Streff Thursday, September 26th, 6:30 – 8:30 PM Please read one to three banned books, if possible. Use this searchable list. We will first share in small groups and then have a...
Parent’s Night Out

Parent’s Night Out

This event is a fundraiser for the youth group, in conjunction with Children’s Weekday Ministries and Lovely Lane BASE. While parents have a chance for a night out, kids will play games, eat pizza, and watch movies. Friday, February 23, 5-8 pm.  Lovely...
Youth Co-op End of School Year Party

Youth Co-op End of School Year Party

The youth will celebrate summer with the End of the School Year Party at Quarter Barrel Arcade from 5:00-6:30pm. Pizza will be provided, as well as $5 in quarters for each person to play some games!
Graduation Sunday and Scholarship Available

Graduation Sunday and Scholarship Available

Graduation Sunday this year will be on May 21st, and we will recognize graduating seniors in our 10:30 worship service that day. Also, we have a $500 scholarship (given in memory of Gene Kadlec, long-time Lovely Lane member) available for a graduating senior. See...
Super Bowl Youth Fundraiser

Super Bowl Youth Fundraiser

The youth group will be having a fundraiser for the Superbowl, Sunday, February 12th! Please sign up by clicking the link below by Wednesday, February 8th. Email Pastor Kristina with any questions: Sub...