by lovelylane | Apr 18, 2022 | Health and Wholeness, Lovely Lane News
Exercise in order to steward the earthly tent God has given you. Keeping our hearts and our bodies strong will enable us to keep going, even as we age. Just as God gives us money to use wisely, relationships to invest in diligently, and time to use efficiently, so he...
by lovelylane | Apr 6, 2022 | Iowa Annual Conference News, Lovely Lane News, News and Announcements, Pastor Scott, United Methodist News
As Holy Week and Easter approach, I realize that church life might look different next year. As some of you know, our denomination, The United Methodist Church, has been discerning its future for a long time. Our denomination goes back to the life and teachings of...
by lovelylane | Feb 3, 2022 | Lovely Lane News, News and Announcements
The idea of practicing self-love can be daunting. We’re constantly facing internal and external challenges, such as busy schedules that make pausing for self-love or self-care seem impossible. However, taking small steps each day or week to take care of and love...
by lovelylane | Feb 3, 2022 | Lovely Lane News, News and Announcements, Pastor Scott
One word that has been on my mind, and probably all of our minds, is “Perseverance.” We have seen the need to persevere during the pandemic, derecho, economic uncertainty, and hiring challenges in the workplace. Perseverance is often defined as a continued...
by lovelylane | Dec 4, 2021 | Lovely Lane News, Pastor Kristina
I’ve been enjoying working through the Advent Devotional that we purchased for this Advent season at the church. You can pick up your copy of “God With Us” at the church in the Narthex on the welcome table. We have Advent devotionals for adults and families. Week one...
by lovelylane | Nov 16, 2021 | Health and Wholeness, Lovely Lane News
As spring and summer are completed and we enter autumn, we anticipate winter ahead in all its glory! We look forward to beautiful snow scenery and sledding or snowmobiling. But many of us feel that the best of 2021 is behind us. As with life in general and we look to...