Busy Lives

John Lennon once said, “Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.” How true those words are! We live in a busy world today. There’s no doubt about that.

It wasn’t long ago that “Keeping up with the Joneses” was all about “things,” like the big house, the sports car, and the fancy clothes. Now while this is still in place to some degree, there is something new out there, and that is “time.” We are trying to keep up with others in regards to the busy lives we live.

Far too often though, we are “pressed for time” and feel “there’s not enough time in the day” to do what we want. And there are reasons behind all this. Perhaps we see “busyness as a badge of honor,” or “busyness is seen as job security,” or “busyness connects to FOMO (the fear of missing out).” Much of this is understandable, but this can lead to burnout, and that’s not good.

Moving forward, there are things we can do to better our situation . . .

  • We can focus on one thing at a time, instead of trying to multitask.
  • We can leave our work at the office. At home, we can make a decision not to check emails or prepare for meetings.
  • We can make sleep more of a priority and get better at saying “no.”
  • Finally, we can find rest in God. In Matthew 11:28, we read, “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (CEB)

As we move into these final months of the year, we will be busy! With Thanksgiving around the corner and Christmas to follow, we have plans to make and parties to attend. Through it all, might we find time to slow down, take in the moment, and celebrate the blessings around us!

Grace and peace, Scott