Kennedy Food Pantry Wish List

Kennedy Food Pantry Wish List

Ramen Noodles Fruit roll ups and fruit snacks Toothpaste Aluminum baking dishes, muffin & cake pans Cake mixes Popcorn Chips Cheez-its, snack crackers Tuna Canned pasta Collection tubs are located at the left entrance to the sanctuary at Lovely Lane. Thank you for...
Prayer Concerns

Prayer Concerns

The church office sends out an updated prayer list on Monday afternoons via email. These prayers are included on the announcements page that is shared in the mailing. The joys and concerns come primarily from news that was lifted up in worship the previous Sunday. The...
AcabeLLa, Lovely Lane Handbell Choir

AcabeLLa, Lovely Lane Handbell Choir

AcabeLLa, Lovely Lanes handbell choir has resumed rehearsals on Wednesday nights starting at 7:15 pm. Rehearsal generally lasts one hour and 15 minutes. If you are interested in learning more about handbells this would be an excellent opportunity to learn. You are...