Cuba Partnership Trip

Cuba Partnership Trip

A small group in our church will travel to Havana, Cuba from January 28 – February 6, 2025. The group is accompanying a group from Plymouth Congregational Church in Des Moines. The aim of the trip is to learn about the partner relationships the Plymouth Church has...
John Wesley and Money – by Pastor Scott

John Wesley and Money – by Pastor Scott

“But those who want to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many senseless and harmful desires . . .” – 1 Timothy 6:9 (NRSV) Some of our Wednesday study groups have been focusing on the life and teachings of John Wesley. Wesley was a Church of England...
Saints of a Haunted Land – by Pastor Kristina

Saints of a Haunted Land – by Pastor Kristina

This coming week, on November 1st, we’ll celebrate All Saint’s Day, remembering our loved ones, family, friends, and ancestors who have gone before us. It’s a day to honor our grief and those we are missing in this life on Earth. Regardless of how long they may have...
Chancel Choir – new members welcome

Chancel Choir – new members welcome

CHANCEL CHOIR rehearsals have begun meeting at 9:00 am in the Choir Room. New members are always welcome. Join the music producing family and enjoy the fun, love, caring, and friendly group of Lovely Lane.