Adult Christian Education

Adult Christian Education and Involvement


Pastor’s Study Groups

Pastor Scott leads study groups on Wednesdays. A morning groups meets via Zoom at 9:30 am in the morning. An evening group meets in the church library at 6:00 pm. While the study groups are occasionally standard Bible studies, the focus is normally a book study. Book studies alternate between heavier, edgier subjects and material appropriate for all levels of faith development. All are welcome to participate!

Men’s Breakfast

Men are invited to gather at the church on the Third Saturday of the month at 8:30 am. Time together involves general sharing, devotions, and a guest speaker. All are welcome to participate!

Living Last Supper

Every spring, Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, The Last Supper, is brought to life. Church members portray the disciples and others who were there in the final hours of Jesus’s life. Performances usually take place during Holy Week. Please let Pastor Scott know if you would like to participate.

Adult Sunday School Classes

Two Sunday morning classes meet on a regular basis. The “Faith Issues” class meets in the library at 9:30 am. The group discusses current issues from a faith perspective. The “Faith Journeys” class meets in the preschool wing of the building at 9:30 am. The class is led by Pastor Scott and takes a closer look at the scripture readings from worship.