What are Apportionments?
“Apportionments” represent each local congregation’s share of the cost of ministry and mission through our United Methodist “connection” as a whole. The Iowa Conference has established process and procedures for management of apportionment payments from member churches.
“Apportionments are the fundamental method the church uses to fund mission and ministry beyond the local community. United Methodists, from its beginning, has been a denomination that believes congregations are to fund both a local ministry and a ministry beyond its own community to the world parish. For the followers of John Wesley, ministry has never been one or the other but always both. Thus, as we put our resources together we can accomplish so much for God.” — Terry Montgomery, August 21, 2014, Letter To Iowa Conference, 2015 Shared Ministry Apportionments
The “Your amount” column in the tables below refers specifically to Lovely Lane’s apportionments. The graphs illustrate how the dollars are used.
You can view these charts in an interactive format at this link to the Iowa Annual Conference website. Select “Lovely Lane” from the dropdown menu.