NOURISHED: Monday Centering

NOURISHED: Monday Centering

As we move into summer and celebrate all things Pride in this month of June, we’ll enter into a series, “Beyond the Binary.” Through this month, we’ll be reflecting on this question, “How do we move beyond the binaries of our gender and our faith?”

On the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, 7:00 to 8:30 PM, we gather together for Centering in a community member’s home. Sometimes we get asked if Centering is our “worship” service, which we like to answer, “Sort of…but it’s more like a mini-retreat.” There isn’t a typical sermon, but a conversation where we each share our wisdom. There aren’t hymns out of hymnal or praise songs, but we sometimes sing songs together. We like to think of this space as an experimental lab where we discuss challenging topics related to spirituality and the challenges we face in our world, try out different spiritual practices together, and work to move towards action together. These “mini-retreats” are planned and led by rotating teams and anyone can help plan or lead. We meet quarterly to choose topics and form teams who will lead the Centering time.

Event Information

}  June 24, 2024
  Monday, 07:00 pm to 08:30 pm
n  Nourished

Event Organizer

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