I don’t know about you, but I have always thought of my life as a book with different chapters. I’mabout to fi nish the chapters of being gainfully employed and begin the next chapter of full retirement. It will be a big change—that’s for sure!

Will it be a life of mostly leisure? Well, probably for at least the month of June. The last week ofJ une, my husband Jim and I are going on a short vacation to Ely, MN—staying in a very cool three bedroom VRBO with friends from Rochester, MN. I have been in the Boundary Waters twice before, but I tell everyone that it was very much on the primitve side: “sleeping on a rock” in a tent, canoeing over multiple lakes and portaging between them, having to hoist our food up high in trees in case of bears, and trying to stay warm in a sleeping bag when the nightime temps dove well below freezing. This trip to the Boundary Waters area will seem luxurious in comparison!

What are my plans after that? In several months, I’m hoping to volunteer at the Ecumenical Community Center/Helping Hands in downtown CR. They help so many people who are in need in so many different ways, that I really would like to be a part of that.

My husband and I are still trying to either build a small house or move a house to our country property near Springville. Having more free time will allow me to be really serious about making one of those two things happen. There is a current possibility of buying a house that is near by and having
it moved to our property, but there are some complications that we need to find out more about.

Lastly, I want you to know that I feel blessed to have been an office manager at Lovely Lane for as long as I was, and to have worked alongside so many wonderful people. I feel good about handing my part of the reins over to Tammy, who I have no doubt will do an excellent job for you. Thank you so much for all of your love and support over the years, and don’t worry—I will stil be around, just in other capacities!

In gratitude, Sue