Sunday Worship Services
8:30 am and 10:30 am
Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after the Children’s Sermon
Adult Sunday School at 9:15
Sunday Mornings
Sunday Morning In-Person worship at 8:30 and 10:30 AM
The 10:30 service is also Live Streamed on YouTube
Adult Sunday School at 9:30 | Children’s Sunday School at 10:30 after Children’s Sermon in Worship
Welcome to Lovely Lane!
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. 8:30 and 10:30 am. The 10:30 service is also live-streamed on our YouTube channel.
March 23, Third, Sunday in Lent, Kristina will preach, “Getting the Word Out,” The Way, Matthew 7:24-29
Connect with Us!
Please click on the button and fill out our Connection Form so we know you worshipped with us online.
We love that you are able to join us in online worship! But we miss connecting in person. We invite you to reach out to Pastor Scott or Pastor Kristina with prayer requests, joys and concerns or just to tell us that you worshipped with us.
The people of Lovely Lane UMC humbly strive to be light, love and leaven to the world.
We stand with those who are devalued in our society because of their color, gender, marital status, creed, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, immigration status or economic condition.
We serve those in our neighborhood and our community who are in need of food, housing, education, or health care.
We heal the world through collaboration with the national and international missions of the United Methodist Church, because where our hands cannot be, our hearts can.”
Find Us
2424 42nd St. NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
(319) 393-6674
The corner of 42nd Street and Wenig Rd. next to KennedyHigh School
New to Lovely Lane?
Learn about our worship services, our beliefs, Sunday school, children’s activities, and more.
The Missional Campus of Lovely Lane.
Nourished strives to be a holistic healthy community that grows in Spirit and serves in love and justice.
Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.
Lovely Lane is a dynamic faith community that seeks to welcome all people, nurture one another in the faith, and reach out in ministry and service.
Lovely Lane News
Purchase Lilies or Tulips for the Alter for Easter
You may purchase lilies or tulips for the church alter area for Easter in memory of or in honor of a loved one. Please specify which flower and how many you would like. You may purchase flowers in one of two ways: Download the form, fill it out and enclose $15 for...
United Women in Faith March News
ELIZABETH CIRCLE MEETING - THURSDAY, MARCH 13 – 1:00PM This will be a working session. We're working on programs for the rest of the year. RIZPAH CIRCLE MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 27 – 6:30‐8:00 Topic of discussion TBD. *Childcare is available for all meetings. Please...
The Season of Lent – by Pastor Scott
“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry.” – John 6:35 (NRSV) I really enjoy the music of rocker, Bruce Springsteen. I saw Springsteen in concert at Chicago’s Soldier Field in 1985 when I was in high school. From that point on, I have been...
The Risk of Being Woke – from Pastor Kristina
The word “woke” has been a word that has flown around the media and in circles working for racial and social justice. You can simply Google the word, “woke,” and you’ll find quite a few definitions and understandings. You’ll find the idea of emerging from a state of...
Pastor’s Study Group
The Wednesday study groups with Pastor Scott will start a Lenten study on Wednesday, March 12th. The morning group will meet on Zoom at 9:30 am and the evening group will meet in the library at 6:00 pm. The focus is the book, The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of...
NOURISHED: March Take-n-Bake Cinnamon Rolls
Sign up by March 21st Pick up March 27th from 4-6pm at St. Paul's UMC. Each order includes a tray of 7 frozen cinnamon rolls, frosting, and instructions for baking. Order Gluten Free Order Gluten Free and Dairy Free
AcabeLLa Hand Bell Choir Love Offering
The hand bells team at Lovely Lane, AcabeLLa, recently purchased five used bells from a church in Florida. The new bells allow the choir to ring with a greater range of sound. The bells match the existing set. The cost of the bells was $2,500. The congregation is...
2025 Lenten Offering Recipients
Matthew 25: Is a local non-profit that exists to strengthen core urban neighborhoods in Cedar Rapids. They build strong neighborhoods by focusing on fresh, healthy food; affordable, sustainable housing and education. Projects include the state's first urban farm,...
Lovely Lane is now on Instagram
Find and follow us at
I’m So Happy – Pastor Kristina
There is something just so wonderful about those slow mornings at our house getting ready for work and school. Because Audrey often wakes up pretty early, we have some downtime before we have to get moving to get ready for the day. We eat our breakfast slowly at the...
United Women in Faith – February News
ELIZABETH CIRCLE MEETING - Our Annual Valentine Cookie/Candy Deliveries Thursday, February 13 – 1:00 to 3:00 pm Bring cookies, candy, treats. We will box them and deliver them to our church members/friends who may not get out very often. RIZPAH CIRCLE MEETING...
Cuba Partnership Trip – Pastor Scott
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”– Matthew 28:19 (NRSV) As the new month begins I am in Havana, Cuba, with a small group of Lovely Laners. We are traveling with a group of folks from the Plymouth Congregational Church in Des Moines. Our group totals...
“For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4:6
Send Us A Message
Your message entered here will be sent to the church office and forwarded as needed. If your message requires a response, please allow 24-48 hours for us to get back to you
If you need to contact a member of the church staff right away, please call the church at 319-393-6674.
Church office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The office is closed on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.